Waterworks across the country have been tasked to create an inventory of service line materials for every customer, which is a large and daunting task. In an attempt to cut costs and keep them from being passed on to customers, many Waterworks are asking customers to fill out a simple form (below) that will make the inventory creation faster, less costly, and more efficient.
Please completely fill out this form. If you are not sure how to answer one of the questions, or fill in one of the blanks, scroll below the form for more information on service line types, and how and where to identify them, as well as many other frequently asked questions. Lee County PSA greatly appreciates your assistance with this project.
Instructions: Customers will need to visually inspect their service lines. This can be done by looking at the plumbing under your home, under your sink, and/or removing the meter lid where your service line connects to the PSA water meter.
Additional Information and Frequently Asked Questions

Customers will need to inspect their service lines, shown above in orange. Lee Co PSA will inspect all authority owned lines.
Identifying The Type of Service Line You Have
Service lines will need to be identified as:
Lead - A known lead service line, which can be verified by one of the methods below.
Galvanized - A line know NOT to be lead, which can be verified by one of the methods below.
Non-Lead - Any service line that is plastic (PVC, CPVC), copper, or any other line determined not to be lead or galvanized.
Unknown - A service line material that is not known to be lead, galvanized, or non-lead. If you encounter this issue, please contact our office at 276-346-7775.

What is the Lead and Copper Rule?
In 1991, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a regulation to control lead and copper in drinking water. This regulation is known as the Lead and Copper Rule (also referred to as the LCR). Since 1991 the LCR has undergone various revisions. The latest Lead and Copper Rule Revision requirement tasks each Waterworks to prepare and maintain an inventory of service line materials by October 16, 2024.
Lee County PSA monitors lead and copper throughout its system by collecting water samples and having them analyzed, with the results reported to the Virginia Department of Health's Office of Drinking Water as well as the customers that participate in the sampling.
In keeping with our commitment to maintain minimal rates for sewer service, the Lee Co PSA is asking all of its sewer customers to refrain from flushing anything down the toilet except human waste and toilet paper. This includes any and all items that may be labeled "flushable". Any items flushed down the toilet except for human waste and toilet paper creates numerous issues for your service lines, the PSA's lines, our pump stations, and ultimately, our treatment facility, which increases operating costs, and thus increases customer costs.
Help us keep the rates you pay at a minimum. We certainly appreciate your cooperation and understanding on this matter.
~ PSA Management