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Tel: 276-346-7775

Fax: 276-346-7720

Mail to:

P.O. Box 830

Jonesville VA 24263

Physical Address:

397 Park Street

Jonesville VA 24263

Please use the form below to contact our office staff for general information. If you have a question concerning your bill, you must call the office at 276-346-7775 and select Option #2 to speak to a customer representative. The PSA cannot discuss billing issues through email.

~Thank you


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Executive Director:  Tracy Puckett

Assistant Director:  Mike Brindle

Office Manager:  Kayla Townsend

Human Resource Officer:  Donna Sanders

Water/Wastewater Supervisor:  Martin Taylor

Maintenance Superintendent:  Doug Blakley




In keeping with our commitment to maintain minimal rates for sewer service, the Lee Co PSA is asking all of its sewer customers to refrain from flushing anything down the toilet except human waste and toilet paper. This includes any and all items that may be labeled "flushable". Any items flushed down the toilet except for human waste and toilet paper creates numerous issues for your service lines, the PSA's lines, our pump stations, and ultimately, our treatment facility, which increases operating costs, and thus increases customer costs.


Help us keep the rates you pay at a minimum. We certainly appreciate your cooperation and understanding on this matter. 



                                                                                                 ~ PSA Management

PSA LOGO_edited.png

Office will be closed December 24,25,26 and 31 as well as January 1

Next Board of Directors Meeting is Tuesday, January 28 at 3 p.m.

Physical Address:

397 Park Street

Jonesville VA 24263


Mailing Address:

PO Box 830

Jonesville, VA 24263


Phone Number: 276-346-7775


After Hours:  276-346-7775


Hours of Operation:

Monday - Friday
Lobby: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (closed 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. for lunch)
Drive-Thru: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(closed 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. for lunch)

*A Drive-Thru, DropBox and Online Payments provide customer convenience.


Proud Member of

Virginia Rural Water Association

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